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Peculiarities of laser vision correction for patients with presbyopia.

Presbyopia is the so-called «age farsightedness», or the change of sight near, as a rule, noticeably manifested after 40-45 years in the form of deterioration of sight or tension in the eyes when reading books, watching news tapes in the phone or behind a computer. There are often complaints of headaches when working long hours behind the monitor.

The basis of presbyopia is the densification of the lens cells, the lens that focuses the eye. The thing is, the lens is constantly growing like a skin epithelium, hair or fingernails. However, unlike them, the lens grows inside itself, the nucleus becomes denser, the cells are flattened, stretched, starting with the birth of a human being.

A simple test can be used to determine lens elasticity by taking a ruler and small text (let’s say book text). Young people aged 20 years with good vision in the distance will see this text at a distance of 20 cm easily, while at 10 cm it will start «floating». This is presbyopia. So from 10 centimetres in 20 to 45 centimetres in 45, the elasticity with absolute solidification at 65-70 is slowly lost. And that is the normal aging process of the lens.

How can help?

First of all, lens elasticity is not recoverable. There are not eye drops from presbyopia, vitamins, etc. help. Only after the examination the doctor can suggest options for the elimination of presbyopia symptoms.

The first thing to do is to eliminate eye diseases (corneal dystrophy, cataracts, glassy confusion, macular zone dystrophy and glaucoma). If everything here is fine, then as a rule the doctor offers a possible laser vision correction.

At the so-called «hidden plus» or hypermetropia, it is possible to simply get rid of it — the so-called hypermetric femtolasik or hypermetric lasik will correct the curvature of the cornea to the desired and as a result — read without glasses and ideally see in the distance.

The second variant, when there is not “the hidden plus”, and not want to use near glasses, but agree for distance glasses, again the method of hypermetric femtolasik is applicable. After the operation wear minus glasses (let’s say minus 1.0) for distance, on the other hand, perfectly visible near.

The third variant, when you do not want to use glasses at all, it is possible to adjust one eye for the distance, and the second eye for near. This technique is called «monovision». The Doctor identifies the leading eye and adjusts it for the distance, but the slave eye for near vision. Then femtolasik and you see without glasses.

«Monovision» is the same laser vision correction, but only eye settings differ with regard to presbyopia. You should not be afraid or frightened. Strabismus or astigmatism or other eye diseases will not happen. Besides, the operation is reversible. Typically, a full adaptation to a new vision takes 1-2 months. And the glasses stay in the past.

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